Srushti Renewables

Setting up cost-effective, highly scalable & industrial grade renewables sites 



Setting up multiple renewable energy sites to generate 5GW of clean energy by 2030

Floating Solar Plant

Compressed Bio-Gas

Bio CNG technology can deal with air pollution at 3 levels by curtailing methane emissions, warding off waste burning and phasing out fossil fuel-powered vehicles


The slurry which comes out of the biogas plant is directly or after drying used as bio/organic manure for improving soil-fertility and reducing use of chemical fertilizers. 

It is also non-pollutant because it is free from weed-seeds, foul smell and pathogens. 

The slurry is rich in main nutrients such as Nitrogen, Potassium and Sodium (NPK) along with micronutrients - Iron & Zinc etc. 


Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation  (SATAT) – An Initiative by Indian ministry of petroleum and natural gas with planned investment of over £20 Billions

Technology Consultant

Turquoise Bio Natural Energy Pvt. Ltd. is among the superior agencies which centers mainly on converting scrap materials into organic and chemical-free fertilizer. Working for years of backbreaking work and spirit, we developed a pioneer spot in manufacturing chemical-free fertilizer. The sediment from biogas production is used as an organic fertilizer which operates as a stimulator for plant growth as well as bio-fungicide. The residue obtained from biogas is not just of high quality, but also fine soil conditioner.